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Moon Signs
Original God
Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Virgo is mind unimpeded by passion and flesh with the key word criticism. With this lunar position there is no indecision or confusion of the mind. These people are sociable, logical, clear headed and always seem to be busy arranging the next big event. Although they work well behind the scenes unlike the Leo Moons, sometimes have a strong social conscience and question the status quo, not accepting things at their face value. Since the sign is ruled by Mercury, so communication is vital, particularly if it involves facts and information rather than dreamy philosophies. These people have a strong personal code of conduct and set high standards, regarding loyalties towards friends and loved ones. It is difficult to be around them, let alone to live with them: they are, among others, the Back-Seat Drivers of the zodiac.

The Moon in Virgo may influence her native even stronger than the Sun in Virgo. These persons are fussy and entertain strong prejudices about everything. They are also the hypochondriacs of the zodiac. The Moon in Virgo bespeaks a kindly, humane disposition, domesticity, melancholia, and superficiality in matters of the heart. The truly evolved ones live largely to serve humanity without much thought of self. The women among them frequently take nursing, dietetics, teaching, and secretarial work as careers. Both sexes are self-contained and talented in a uni-directional way in something. Women with this lunar position are considered to be cold blooded and overly ambitious. Occupations in accounting, bookkeeping, banking, or as literary critics, librarians, inventors, real estate operations, chemists, and druggists are ideal for them.

Moon Signs - Aries
Moon Signs - Taurus
Moon Signs - Gemini
Moon Signs - Cancer
Moon Signs - Leo
Moon Signs - Virgo
Moon Signs - Libra
Moon Signs - Scorpio
Moon Signs - Sagittarius
Moon Signs - Capricorn
Moon Signs - Aquarius
Moon Signs - Pisces

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Moon Signs

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