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Moon Signs
Original God
Moon in Cancer

The Moon is in her own royalty in Cancer with the keyword solicitude. The Moon is really not as strongly or purposefully placed here as in Leo, Aquarius or Taurus. The native may be inhibited and frequently escape in the imaginary world. Sympathetic, kind and compassionate they are sensitive to other's feelings. The mind is very impressionable and meditative with an excellent memory. The native seldom seeks external stimulation. Fond of home and parents, he/she is quiet, placid, peaceful, gentle, affectionate, and romantic. The emotions rear up at every opportunity, whether love, fear, grief or joy. Sometimes, they may expect others to see and feel the world as they do, and nothing is worse than having their poor sensitive heart ignored and rejected by other less sensitive souls.

There may be cycles of amazing energy flow and activity and the mood has the capability to fluctuate through its full range within an hour. Although they can be giving and generous, there is usually a string attached. Women with the Moon in Cancer are said to make ideal spouses and mothers and are capable of occasional intrigue. Many of the natives may delay marriage, perhaps because they are late bloomers. They make excellent artists, musicians, and poets. The positioning is a difficult one, especially in a man.

Moon Signs - Aries
Moon Signs - Taurus
Moon Signs - Gemini
Moon Signs - Cancer
Moon Signs - Leo
Moon Signs - Virgo
Moon Signs - Libra
Moon Signs - Scorpio
Moon Signs - Sagittarius
Moon Signs - Capricorn
Moon Signs - Aquarius
Moon Signs - Pisces

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Moon Signs

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