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Moon Signs
Original God
Moon in Gemini

The moon in Gemini is considered to be weak and its key word is duality. Nervous, witty and changeable, Geminis thrive on communication and the cut and thrust of the social world. A changing lifestyle suits them with a preferred job in media, travel as well as sales. The mind is practical, seeking and ambitious and craves recognition. Although the mind may be brilliant it is generally superficial and emphasizes talent.

The Moon in Gemini is not a very favorable position. People with the Moon in Gemini may be acute in their mental processes, quick to receive impressions and forming judgments. People of both sexes with the Moon in Gemini are frivolous, light-headed, inconstant and somewhat shallow. Both sexes may chose their partners for their ability to entertain and interest them rather than for any substantive domestic purpose and both sexes may be flirtatious. The position is favorable for an investor, accountant, journalist, research worker, librarian or dancer.

Moon Signs - Aries
Moon Signs - Taurus
Moon Signs - Gemini
Moon Signs - Cancer
Moon Signs - Leo
Moon Signs - Virgo
Moon Signs - Libra
Moon Signs - Scorpio
Moon Signs - Sagittarius
Moon Signs - Capricorn
Moon Signs - Aquarius
Moon Signs - Pisces

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Moon Signs

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