Moon in Scorpio
The Moon in Scorpio has the key word Ulterior Motivation. With the Moon in Scorpio, depth, passion and intensity imbue the relationships of people. They know no fear when it comes to choosing who is in their life. With a strong moral conscience the strong intuition and psychic abilities of the natives allow to see below the surface. The extremism of Scorpio also manifests in this dimension. They are intelligent with a cold and calculating mentality and motivated by spiritual considerations. A native here must have similar thoughts frequently, for they are likely to endure fully the temptations and tribulations of life.
These people are strong and forceful. These persons can become superb occultists and astrologers and are sensual, emotional, materialistic and secretive. Their mind is very acute, and being a fixed sign, they are not taken off their chosen course of action. The Moon in Scorpio is said to be better for men than for women. In either case, marital infidelity and generally a messy emotional life is very likely. They remain deep and mysterious throughout life. The position is favorable for jobs in medicine, surgery, chemistry and investigative work.
Aries |
Taurus |
Gemini |
Cancer |
Leo |
Virgo |
Libra |
Scorpio |
Sagittarius |
Capricorn |
Aquarius |
Pisces |