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Santa Claus Too

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Original Santa Claus
The Divine Languages Place Your Bets
If you place your bet on number one, it will come up every time. I propose giving God back to God, the "Power of Creation" (Infinite Knowledge & Wisdom), who is true and real. The alternative is to wind up with a pretend god who offers loopholes in the system that you think will allow you to commit scandalous acts and then exercise the Santa 'Clause' loophole and trip-off to Heaven. No matter how hard you believe in it; it never has worked that way, it never will work that way, and it never could work that way.

The Divine Languages Sailing Through Troubled Waters
You ride upon the waters together, as a people, in a quantum structured universe of infinite reality, in which you can sink or rise, go here or there; making your own decisions — all along the way. You have been given free will and a choice. With free will comes a tremendous responsibility. You must stand together to assist and protect each other, and in so doing, you will make yourselves — real people.

Marcus E. Lee
The Living God

Santa Claus
Santa Claus

Santa Claus Too