This is a good place to mention the Thick as a Brick people¹. They were the
best of mankind that we could find. They lived under London centuries from now, after the world
got blown up. They
were experts in time travel and the quantum structured universe and they wanted to save mankind
by reshaping the past, but for some reason, they couldn't get around me.
The predominate wisdom from the experts in creation is that you need to
blow man up to save them, and so the Powers² have spent much time debating how
man should be blown-up³. There's the Power of Creation's traditional "Big
Rock"; useful for large body impacts on a planet. He and everyone else can claim it was
only a coincidence. One of my favorites is the "Alien drive-by," in which, aliens
pass by the Earth, take one look at mankind and figure they'd be doing everyone a favor if they just
blew them up. The easiest approach is quite simple.
Just don't stop man from blowing themselves up. This is the "Do Nothing" approach.
This is very appropriate for man, with poetic justice and sardonic irony. This is a very highly
regarded method.
However, in the end, it was decided to leave it up to the Universal Powers. A combination approach was
finally chosen and if you study this site, you will understand how and why.
[1] The Thick as a Brick people were inherently bad luck. While I was reshaping reality; trying to find a place in the universe for mankind, they would routinely show up, convincing government officials that they were the experts and handing out free advice. The problem with these saviors from the future is that they only existed if the world got blown up. And they thought that I was "thick as a brick" because I wouldn't take any of their advice. All of which, on the surface, seemed logical and good but never was.
Anyhow, to put an end to this story, I couldn't shake them; the thick as a brick people kept showing up in various alternate realities, attempting to save everyone, and that is how they finally saved themselves.
I set them aside and will live one more lifetime with them.
[2] The Universal Powers have a Senate.
[3] My presence here is the only reason that Earth has not been blown up.