Cherubim Endorsed
That night, remembered, recalled, and mentioned to others, was the
event I relate to you now. A spirit¹ came to me, speaking in a high pitched, cartoon character
type voice; sounding full of great adventure and fun, "You still want to
know Everything?" I
replied, "Yeah—yeah sure; I still want to know everything." The spirit then said, "You're
sure now; you're sure you want to know Everything?" I answered, "Yeah—yeah sure.
Sure I do. I still want to know everything." Then the spirit said, "Oh—kay,
but nobody will ever believe you²." Then He laughed, "he he he he he" and
abruptly left.
This spirit showed up again over thirty years later after the forty-days³ and simply added this, "Be careful what you wish for."
[1] A High Cherubim.
[2] "Reality" come as man (to save you from Himself).
[3] It's not a test.