The Power of God With Words
As with any message brought from the Supra
Conscious and translated into words, you would first need to know who and what was making the
statement before you could know who and what they were talking about. Sometimes words have
more than one meaning and that meaning can change according to the context in which they are
conveyed and perceived. The same statements can have completely different meanings coming from
different persons or perspectives.
For instance, if someone says, "this will mean nothing to you" it could be an innocuous
statement, but if God says, "This will mean Nothing to you" then this statement
becomes more serious and you would know that 'this' means 'everything' to you.
All of this is important because of the consequences of not knowing who and what
God is. "He who wields your reality is your God." When you reduce God
to a man then you will also take what that man says and give it your own interpretation; from
your own perspective. You will make yourself a god. You will make your god, - yourself.
Additional: Language Encoding In Divine Works