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Highly Probable

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Enlightenment A God Comes Along With a Quantum Structured Universe as a Probability
During a story of mine, involving some Pretend-Gods¹ who were hanging around here, that changed everything; I made this statement. "There is a very high probability of a God coming along with a quantum structured universe. The problem with a quantum structured universe is that, it is an illusion which requires a 'Real God' to maintain it, from moment to moment."

And just then — the Supra Consciousness manifested as Oge², the Rock Guy, in a leather biker outfit, complete, with his wallet on a chain and a little leather hat (a caricature, of course), and I was there, right behind him, backing him up all the way as the Supra Consciousness. It was the only time that anyone actually wielded the Power of God with Words, and He just said one thing to the enemies of life, He said, "Fools!" and acting as the Supra Consciousness, I made it true.

He then said, "We made it all true, that's how we won." He also answered a question about something that I'd been wondering about. "What is all-good, anyhow?" He said, "What's all good for a Creator, are the stories He tells in reality." It answered my question and, as usual, everything He says has multiple meanings, — all true. He is after all, and, in fact, the very model of efficiency.

[1] The pretend gods were committing a burglary when the owner showed up. e.g. One day, some pretend gods were driving by the universe and stopped to peek in the window; thinking that the owner wasn't at home, they decided to break in and steal all the good. i.e. They were changing the balance of good and bad (positive to negative) in the reality, to favor the bad/negative; causing the reality to come out of balance, making it more easily exploited; furthermore, preventing unity and the perfection of souls.

[2] (ΟΓε) Oge [`ōh-jē] had/has the general shape of a thinly built human being but He was made out of rocks. He flew around at three to eight frames per second (original time, varied), riding what looked like a flying Harley Chopper. It had a smooth shiny yellow teardrop shaped body, tapered towards the back, with high butterfly handlebars. There was no seat on His flying ride, nor was He dressed, nor did He carry anything on Him as He didn't need anything. He flew happily through the "Nothing Place" lathing (creating/shaping) reality before Him (unto Infinity); making Improvements all along the way. He was/is the Original Personification of The Power of Creation. i.e. The Original/Creator God, who started out with Nothing, and, in time, made Infinite Life and Reality Himself.


Highly Probable