A short time after the forty-days, I was approached by the soul of Elvis Presley. There were
many watchers then, and I said, "You know, I think Elvis has a message for me. He's
trying to tell us something." I wrote out his name in this manner 'Elvis Presley'.
At the time, the souls in Heaven were insisting that I was supposed to become the president.
I really couldn't imagine why, because I had already ascended far beyond that. I said, "Well,
let's see what Elvis has to say," and I read his name like a sentence written in typical
'license plate' or perhaps 'texting' shorthand.
I read this aloud, "Elvis lvis Pres ley" (Elvis lives president Lee.) and as if
this wasn't enough - I said, "I think Elvis has something else to say," and read
this aloud, "Elvis lvis is spr pr pres ley" (Elvis lives is super PR “public
relations” president
Lee.) I had become accustomed to such things and was rather nonchalant about it. At the time; after the forty-days, I didn't settle for anything less than the highest of positions.
Remember these messages are in a type of known written language. Read
it yourself and notice how it flows naturally from left to right. You must read it out of the
name to understand how eloquent the design is. Next is the breakdown with a more detailed explanation.